How to install 1x1 pixel on WordPress

A 1x1 pixel is an unobtrusive tracking pixel used for website analytics or for sale conversion tracking. Installing a 1x1 pixel on a WordPress website is fairly easy. Follow these steps to install a 1x1 tracking pixel on your WordPress site:

Step 1: Get a Tracking Pixel

First you need to acquire a tracking pixel from a third-party analytics provider. Different providers place their tracking pixels in different places, such as header, footer, comment section, etc. Make sure the tracking pixel can be modified to suit your needs.

Step 2: Copy and Paste Tracking Pixel onto WordPress Page

After you acquire the tracking pixel, you need to copy it and paste it into a WordPress page. On the left side of the WordPress dashboard, find “Pages” and click on it. Choose to add a new page, give the page a title and paste the tracking pixel at the end of the page. Once you are done, save the page and the tracking pixel should be installed on your website.

Step 3: Test the Tracking Pixel

Now that you have installed the tracking pixel, check to make sure everything is working correctly. Go to your privacy policy page and click on it, your tracking pixel code should fire and you should see pageview data being populated in the analytics dashboard.


Installing a 1x1 tracking pixel on your WordPress website is easy, just follow the steps explained above and you should be able to do it with ease. If you encounter any problems, make sure to contact your third-party analytics provider.

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