Inventory and Playlists
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ◦ Overview 2. Inventory step on Campaigns: User Interface ◦ Targeting Content Types - All selected, Selected by default ◦ Targeting Specific Inventory - “Playlists” ◦ Deactivate type targeting 3. Playlist: User Interface ◦ Inventory Playlists list ◦ New Playlist Form ◦ Search Functionality ▪ • Add Podcasts to the playlists ◦ Filtering ◦ Selecting ▪ Added item by check ▪ Added items based on filters and terms
1. Introduction
The Inventory settings will allow your campaigns to target certain content types or limit your campaign to specific content defined in “Playlists”.
2. Inventory step on Campaigns: User Interface
The 3rd step in the campaign form is “Inventory.” You can use this step to select specific content to be targeted in your campaign.
The UI is composed of three boxes that allow you to decide which content are you targeting.
Targeting options:
1. Activate type targeting - All selected: Selected by default. When the switch is “On” and the “All Podcasts”, “All Radios” or “All Streamings” is selected your campaign is targeting all inventory that matches those type. Example. Campaign targeting All Podcasts, All Radio Stations, No Streamings 2. Targeting Specific selection: when the switch is “On” your campaign is targeting the specific playlists selected Example. Campaign targeting All Podcasts, All Radio Stations and Specific Streaming Playlists: 3. Deactivate type targeting: using the switch at the top-right of the boxes you can choose not to target that content type. Example. Campaign targeting All Podcasts and No Radio Stations or Streaming Apps: When the box switch is set to “On” means that your campaign is targeting that content. For example, the below campaign will target All the Streaming Apps:

Selecting specific playlists:
If you want to target specific content you can choose “Specific Podcasts”, “Specific Radio Stations” or “Specific Streamings” and click “+ Add targeted Playlists (required)” to select all the playlists to be targeted:

Once you confirm you can visualize the list of selected playlists, in this case for Streamings:

In this example, the system uses all the items in the “Streaming 1” playlist as the target. This operation can be repeated for Podcasts and Radio Stations allowing you to select and personalize your content.
3. Playlist: User Interface
You can access Inventory using the left menu, inside this section you have two main screens:
1. Inventory Playlists list: Here you will see a list of any Playlists that you have already created and some basic information including the name, content type, the number of items targeted, and creation date. Other columns can be hidden or shown using the “Customize Columns” button at the top of the screen. Click on the Playlist name to edit an existing playlist.

2. New Playlist Form: Use this form to create a new playlist:
- Playlist Name*: the playlist name, is required.
- Tags: use this if you want to provide tags that would help you to find a playlist faster
- Choose Inventory Type: this option is used to determine which type of content the playlist is referenced. You are able to select between Podcasts, Radio Stations or Streaming Apps. Each playlist can reference only one type of content, so if you choose podcasts the system only shows you content that matches with this type.
The section below “Choose Inventory type” is dynamic and changes depending on the type selected, in the screenshot “Podcasts” is selected and the system shows the number of Podcasts (0) that the playlist contains.

Search Functionality
+ Add Podcasts to the playlists: Click the “+ Add Podcasts to the playlists” button to see all the items that are available to be added to your playlists. If you are creating a Radio or Streaming playlist, this list will change depending on the playlist type:

To refine your search you can check/uncheck the filters at the left of the page or use the input to search by some specific text.
You have two options to add items to a playlist:
1. Add item using checkbox: Use the check in the item to row to select one by one. Then when your selection is complete, use the “Add selected items” button to confirm your selection:

You’ll see the count and the list of your selected items above, in the playlist items detail section:

2. Add items based on filters and terms: If you want to select an entire category, like all the items under the “Fitness” genre, or items related to the search term “Cars” or “Sports”, you can use the “Select all results” option available in the tools dropdown. This is visible by clicking the toggle next to the checkbox at the top of the results list:

In this example, the “Select all (9) results” feature is helping me to target all the items that match the search term: “Cars” and also are under the “Automotive” Genre filter. Once this is selected in the dropdown a new row shows up in the playlist items detail section. The new row is showing all the selection detail like the term, if it was introduced, and all the filters:

With these two options, you can select items by terms, filters or just selecting single items. These two methods of selection can be combined, so you can add items to a playlist and also have one or more selections by terms and filters.